The Gallery

The Hill'63 14-18 Trail

The Communication Trench

The top right photo shows the "Communication Trench", which forms the junction between the "Sentier 75" and the "Chemin 62" at the top of the slope of the slab path "Chemin des Dalles".
(Extract from the book "A Walk Round Plugstreet" by © Tony Spagnoly and Ted Smith)

The "Hyde Park Corner" - only access to the iconic Plumer Road - in its current state...

The magnificent "Château Breuvart" on the top of the "La Hutte Hills" at the time of its splendour.

Les ruines ne paient pas de mine, mais elles méritent une meilleure protection et des panneaux explicatifs.

The wretched state of its ruins today...

The place was named "Hennessy Castle" in the days of Bruce Bairnsfather...
Visit Bruce Bairnsfather @

And what they erected underneath... | Et ce qu'ils ont creusé au dessous... | En wat ze eronder hebben uitgehouwen...

The main "Plumer Road" entrance of the Wallangara

General Sir Herbert Plumer and his Staff

General Sir Herbert Plumer (who has removed his hat) at Messines Ridge - 28/08/1916

General Sir Herbert Plumer, General Sir Herbert Lawrence and Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig

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General Friedrich Bertram Sixt von Armin

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The Path of Slabs - Le Chemin des Dalles - Het Platen Pad

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Monument of the 1st Australian Tunnelling Company at Hill 60

ANZAC Day - Gallipoli Centenary - New Zealand Guests at the Plugstreet 14-18 Interpretation Center - Pictured are Paula Wilson, Foreign Policy Adviser - Gerry Brownlee, Defence Minister - Gilbert Deleu, local Burgomaster

The 2018 Wallangarra Dugout recreated by Tenterfield Shire Council's ANZAC Centenary Steering Committee and a team of volunteers in Tenterfield Memorial Hall for Remembrance Day. Pictured are Bianca and Scott Rhodes who attended the Dining In event in the hall.